Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Slow Cooker Buffalo Ranch Chicken

Let me start off by saying that this was one of the easiest chicken dishes I have ever made, and probably one of the best... Convinced yet to give it a try? Well, you should.

I know I've written here before about how my husband is super picky, so I have been limited to what I cook. Lately, he has been really digging the Frank's Hot Sauce, so I am going with it. We put that sh*t on everything... Not really, but do you remember that commercial? It is hilarious.

I know, I know I am all over with these posts and you're probably like, Heather, just effing get to it. So that is what I will do.

Three ingredients for this recipe... THREE. Maybe four if you are feeling fancy. Frozen chicken (because I can never cook thawed chicken correctly in the Crockpot and it's cheaper), Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce, and a packet of ranch seasoning. The fourth and optional ingredient is butter... And you technically only need a couple tablespoons of it, but I Paula Deened it tonight (Yes, I just made her into a verb) and put a whopping three in the sauce at the end.

Dump the frozen chicken breasts (You know, like the ones you get in the freezer section that are $5) into the Crockpot, add a ranch seasoning packet, and then add three cups of Frank's. Let it cook low and slow for 8 hours. Once it is done, shred it in the sauce, stir in the butter and BOOM, done. And if you want to get crazy, add a brick of cream cheese instead of the butter, and throw some cheese on top and you have a dip. Throw the chicken on a tortilla, nachos, a bun, etc. The possibilities are endless and oh, so good.

A 2-3 pound bag of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 cups of Frank's Buffalo Wings Sauce
1 oz. packet of Ranch seasoning
3 tablespoons of butter (optional)

  1. Dump the chicken, sauce and seasoning into the Crockpot and cook on low for 8 hours.
  2. Shred the chicken in the sauce and stir in the butter.
  3. EAT.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Guilt-free chocolate protein ice cream

It was humid today. Dew points were in the low seventies and it was gross. Now, I know all my southern friends will be like, Heather, you're crazy you live in Wisconsin. Yes, I know and I know it can be much worse from living in New Orleans and Texas for awhile. ANYWAY, I didn't want to cook, and even tho I did, I wanted something cold. Cue the thoughts about Dairy Queen, Zesty's Custard, and Culver's.
It really doesn't have to be humid or hot out for me to want ice cream. If you look in my freezer, I have at least three different flavors at one time. Is it my favorite food? YUP. Weird, I know. With that being said, I needed to find a way that I could enjoy my favorite food without being guilty about it afterward. The idea came to me when some coworkers and I were talking about the different combos of Plexus shakes we love. When I mentioned that I alway freeze bananas, Jacqui said that she likes to make ice cream with them (Thanks, girl!). I had heard about doing before but had never tried it. So not only is this guilt free, but I added protein to it to make it even better! I added chocolate this time, but my husband is a vanilla fan, so we will be adding that next time. The best part of this is that you can add whatever you want to this. Don't like the taste of bananas? Add peanut butter! It totally changes the flavor, and who doesn't love chocolate peanut butter combinations anyway? Want to get crazy and add candy? DO IT! Add some whip cream, a cherry and even some sprinkles? Get down with your bad self! Seriously though, make this recipe, because this stuff is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s. (See what I did there?)

The base of this ice cream - frozen bananas! Pro tip, don't be lazy. Before putting them in the freezer, peel and cut them up into a container. It makes it much easier later.

Cut into chunks and add to food processor and mix!

This will be your base! This is where you can get creative and add anything you want! 

I chose chocolate this time and added a little coconut milk.

I personally love when it is this consistency. It's like a thick milkshake, but if you want it more like ice cream, throw it in the freezer for a couple hours. 

You can put it in an air tight container or just add cling wrap like me. 

2-3 frozen bananas
A splash or two of coconut milk

  1. Put everything in your food processor or blender and mix. 
  2. Either eat as is or throw it in the freezer for a bit to enjoy later. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Plexus Slim version of the Starbucks' 'Pink Drink'

I cannot believe I haven't posted in over a year. Wow!
Well, if you don't know, Patrick and I moved from Texas to Wisconsin since the last post. Quite the move, right? I have met some pretty neat people here and work at a great station! But the other big thing going on in my life right now is Plexus.
If you've never heard of it, Plexus is an all natural health brand. They have a bunch of different products, but their most well known is called Plexus Slim. It is the most natural way to lose weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle. Slim also helps keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels. And the best part, I think, is it helps curb cravings and gives you SO much energy. I have been taking it for several months now, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much better I feel. I finally found something that I can lose weight and not eat like a rabbit. In fact, they discourage skipping meals. I could go on and on about how great the company and products are. I guess I wouldn't sell it if I didn't believe in it, right? Want to know more about the products or business opportunities? Email me
Okay, so back to why you came here... Pink. Drink. If you haven't seen all the rage about the new 'Pink Drink' that comes from Starbucks' secret menu, you are probably living in a hole. Just kidding, but it has been all over the news and Instagram, and it is even a go to drink for my favorite YouTuber and dear friend Jaz Jackson. I first saw the drink from her Snapchats, and I was like DANG, I gotta get that! I remember one of her many Snapchats about the drink was like, "Alright guys, get ready to screenshot this, because I am not telling you all again what is in this drink." So, I took her advice, screenshot it, and made my way to Starbucks ASAP. It was glorious. It is the Strawberry Acai Refresher and instead of water, they use coconut milk. Because I am a cheap ass, I told myself I could not keep spending $5 on a drink, so I decided to make my own.

Can we just talk about for a second how much ice is used in iced drinks at Starbucks?! I went to get the pink drink last week, and a clearly new employee, who had never made the drink before, kept filling the VENTI cup with ice when I could see she clearly did not make enough for the larger portion. It was so much damn ice. So that was a big thing I wanted to change with this drink. Less ice, more frozen strawberries. 

-1 packet of Plexus Slim
-1 packet of Lipton Strawberry Acai Decaf Green Tea
-1 cup of So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk
-1/4 cup of water
-Frozen strawberries

  1. Add all the ingredients except for the strawberries, and mix it, mix it real good.
  2. Pour over strawberries or ice if you don't have the frozen strawberries.